Kazooieloki Lincolnshire Wedding Photographer have always believed your wedding day should be inspired by the multitude of colours and textures that suit your own individual personalities, and for this reason one of our favourite parts of your wedding day has always been the “confetti shot” and here are our Top Tips on how to capture these beautiful timeless moments.
The tradition of long life and fertility on those little paper hearts and petals means a lot. So bring on the cascade of petals, the confetti cannons, the glitter the pompoms the rice the lavender. Make your exit as the new Mr and Mrs happily ever after.
Capture the moment forever in a shower of confetti.
There are so many reasons we love shooting confetti, but probably the main two are they are so full of honest, natural raw happiness as this usually takes place straight after the wedding ceremony and it will be the first official photo for newlyweds.
It is also a sometimes tricky and very unpredictable shot to nail as there are so many variables that are completely out of our control.
For this reason there are two distinctive ways we shoot this, both completely different in approach and final result, but both equally effective.
Yes there is no rocket science to this one, basically we arrange two lines of people and the bride and groom "Walk Through" the middle with us walking in reverse at the same speed.
This is a great way to shoot for natural emotion as it greatly involves your wedding guests as you stroll down the isle either arm in arm or hand in hand full of smiles and newly married bliss.
The results of this style although less predictable are always the best we find, as it is a lot more fun as you feel like the king and queen of the world as you are showered in confetti as you walk through your coronation.
It is though, not guaranteed to hit the perfect shot every time though as you are not stood still which obviously means there are variables involved that are different every time.
But given a little luck and some magic camera work, the final shots can be out of this world.
Here are some examples of "Confetti Walk Through's" from our recent portfolio.

If you aim to be showered, no scrap that, if you want to be absolutely flipping covered in an avalanche of confetti then this one is for you.
This style of confetti shot is much easier to set up from a photographers point of view, which in turn usually guarantee's a much more consistent less unpredictable standard of shot.
We crowd your wedding guests around you in a big semi circle as tightly packed in as possible and count down from 3,2,1 fire and then starts the confetti avalanche.
With less unpredictable variables involved in shooting this way and the fact you are stood still, it is much easier to predict the final result.
In 2017 we really have shot some amazing memories this way, and although we personally prefer the walk through, this is a much better way to guarantee your confetti shots turn out as you would want them to.

Those not so planned, but oh so beautiful natural moments
Like all great wedding photography, some of the best confetti moments happen by chance, usually just after the official photos have been taken.If you have just enjoyed on our our famous avalanches or a grand walk through, you will no doubt have bits of confetti in every single nook and cranny of your wedding dress or suit, and we do capture some hilarious moments of our bride and grooms trying their best to fish it out whilst still maintaining that air of “look at me, I’ve just got married"

Photography Kazooieloki.
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